The Art of Life: Knowing how Thoughts can transform your Life

Hi everyone. We are delighted that you have connected with us in the Art of Life Podcast. – a podcast that explores Life in a new way. We explore Life – not in terms of our physical and emotional experiences (which are an ‘effect’) – but in terms of the ‘cause’ of these experiences. We take you back to the start – to the deeper cause behind our physical and emotional experiences and that ‘cause’ is Thought. You could say, therefore, that this Podcast is about mental health and how to ‘think’ better and you would be partially correct. However – as Albert Einstein once said “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” How we interpret these wise words, is that most problems, we encounter physically and emotionally, stem from our left-brain – logical; rational; linear; black & white; human-source thoughts. What we call the mid-level consciousness. Albert’s quote is often reworded to “What is the definition of madness? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!” We feel this is the reason why humanity seems to be caught up in a loop of repeating problems and most try to solve these problems at the mid-level consciousness with left-brain thinking. It feels like humanity is stuck on REPEAT! I am sure many of us are experiencing, our problems getting worse and we can see how Albert Einstein was on to something! So, how do we break this never-ending repeat loop? How can we change our level of thinking to solve our problems and experience a better life – physically and emotionally? We have been on deep conscious journeys since 2012 and have discovered that the answer to this question is quite simple… We switch from our left-brain level of thinking to the right-brain level of thinking. This hemisphere of thinking is where creative; abstract; non-linear; colourful; higher-self source thoughts reside. We call this the higher consciousness. How do we switch to this level of thinking? Again, the answer is quite simple. We simply think less. As we think less human-source thoughts, it creates space for our higher consciousness thoughts to come through. So – how do we think less? The common answer to this is meditation and this is a powerful way to clear our human-source thoughts. However, as we have experienced, meditation can take time and practise to master. We have discovered that there is another way to reach the higher consciousness level of thinking, and it is simply to immerse ourselves in Nature and the Arts – music; movies; stories and art. Have you ever found yourself listening to a great piece of music or an enthralling story and it somehow speaks directly to your heart and soul? You begin to feel relaxed and peaceful; certain words jump out, which feel like a direct message for you, and then new, creative ideas come to you. YES! Us too! The reason this happens is because your higher consciousness speaks to you through nature, music and the arts - in fact it can be heard clearly, when you are relaxed and peaceful. It speaks in metaphor and symbolism – in a form which you can interpret for your own unique circumstances. Here’s a little example that happened to me just now, as we launch the Art of Life Podcast and as I sat, patiently waiting for some inspiring words to come from the higher consciousness, I needed to visit the bathroom! As I walked into the bathroom, some movement caught my eye. A cricket leapt out of nowhere and landed at the foot of a ladder. It showed me something and felt personal to my current circumstances, as I still experience little bouts of self-doubt about launching this Podcast. So what did cricket say to me? First thing that comes to me is ‘taking a leap of faith’ which felt like a motivating message from the higher consciousness. It felt significant that it settled on the ground near the ladder and the message I heard was ‘take the first step’. I also just looked up quotes about ladders and here is the top one by a guy named Thomas Huxley. “The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher” I’ve not heard this quote before and yet it spoke to me deeply in this moment – a nudge saying ‘don’t just hang around where you are – get moving!’ Then it brought to my thoughts, a character in one of the stories you will hear on this Podcast. He is called Critical Cricket and he shows the main character the Critical Path to take – the most direct route – to his true creative self. So, just this one little scene felt like lovely reassuring encouragement from my higher-self – delivered through nature and this often happens to me when listening to a story, music or a movie. It’s what I call a ‘shouty message’ – some words seem to jump out at me and give me a buzz, or a slap in the face – whichever is most needed at the time! And this leads me nicely to our intention with the Art of Life Podcast. Let me start with what this Podcast is NOT… It is NOT a bunch of mental health professionals or spiritual gurus giving you ‘life hacks’ for better mental health. It is NOT a series of models and techniques for you to adopt or follow. It is NOT a success or fail scenario. It does NOT claim to have all the answers for you. It is NOT a polished, finely edited perfect piece of audio. It IS two people, just like you, who have experienced mental health challenges and who embarked on a deep journey into their psyche. It IS created to lead you on a journey to your right-brain, higher consciousness level via storytelling. It IS designed to empower YOU to find YOUR answers. Answers that are unique to you and they will come to you as you listen to the stories. It IS a series of light-hearted, gently philosophical, adventure quest stories, with a common theme of ‘Thought’ and all you need to do is relax and enjoy listening. It IS two real people, who call themselves the ‘one-take weirdos’ so you may hear the odd mistake, cough or tractor driving by (we live in a little farming village!) Oh…and one final footnote…these stories are great for young listeners too – so please do feel free to share The Art of Life Podcast with children, young people and/or their carers. And now – in true storytelling style – all that is left for us to say is “Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin…”

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7 days ago

Hi everyone.
Here is our launch transmission.
Discover the inspiration that drove us to begin podcasting.
Much love
Richard and Vivienne

6 days ago

If you met me for the first time and I introduced myself with these words, what would you be thinking?
Society has programmed us to put certain interpretations on words, sometimes with a paradoxical effect.
This is an impromptu podcast - something happened to me today and I need to share it with you.
Much love - Vivienne

6 days ago

In this transmission we hear how thoughts can help and hinder us in being our True Self

5 days ago

In this transmission, we hear how Thought can help Balance our Mental State.

2 days ago

Hi everyone.
Here's our first LIVE shamanic journey transmission. No editing or human perfecting. Simply raw/pure, in the now higher consciousness answers to our question "Knowing How Thoughts Can Transform Our Lives"

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